

Mud Puddle hosts regular author signings, workshops, story times, sing-a-longs, gaming nights, and more. For updated event information see our Instagram Page. We update social media frequently with new events!

Music with Dara: Every third Thursday at 4pm: Upcoming dates August 8th. Cost: FREE
Storytime with Cassie: Summer schedule to be announced!
Game Nights (family and adult): Summer schedule to be announced!


Everyday Play

Our play space is open every day, with MagnaTiles, Legos, Brio train table, and our cozy reading nook.

Past Events

Author Signing: Author Chris Van Dusen visiting Mud Puddle in June 2022!

Holiday Events

Marblehead Downtown Halloween Trick or Treat: Always the Thursday before Halloween

PJ Story Time with Santa: Always two Saturdays before Christmas

Lobster Trap Christmas Tree Lighting: Always the first Friday of the Marblehead Christmas Walk


If you are an author or do children's events (readings, sing-a-longs, STEM workshops) and have an idea for a program or event to be added to our schedule, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us by clicking here! Note: We reserve February and March for our local self-published authors events!